德国Elementar稳定同位素分析主力vario ISOTOPE selec

发布:2016-10-04 13:51 | 来源:未知 | 浏览:

vario ISOTOPE select

  • 最先进的微量元素分析仪,同时实现CNS-IRMS分析
  • 更低的采购成本,更可靠的测试结果
  • 仅需9分钟即可同时获得CNS-IRMS数据
  • 坚固耐用-低维护
  • 专利的球阀技术-无空白
  • 无以伦比的操作舒适性和简易性

Isotope ratio and elemental analysis on the highest level

The modern "cube" platform setting the standards for elemental analyzers - and your isotope ratio analyses will profit from it. Outstanding instrument design and intelligent engineering in combination with the worldwide longest experience in the development of elemental micro-analyzers lead to unmatched accuracy of your measurements. The vario ISOTOPE select, in conjunction with a gold-standard IRMS from Isoprime, is designed to meet the special needs of continuous flow IRMS – highest sample throughput at unrivalled performance.

Less than 1 mg pharmaceuticals can be analyzed just as precise as
300 mg soil sample. Volatile gasoline or temperature-proof silicon carbide can be analyzed just like coal, foodstuff or sewage sludge - without restriction of the elements, simultaneously for CNS. The superior temperature-programmed desorption technique guarantees highly efficient peak separation, even for samples with extreme element concentration ranges.

Equipped with a 120 position autosampler for high sample throughput and the most user-friendly operating software on the market, the vario ISOTOPE select is setting new benchmarks. Unrivalled universality and analytic performance of the vario ISOTOPE select form the basis for its success in isotope ratio analysis.

  • Specifications

    High temperature combustion
    quantitative sample digestion at 1200 °C (up to 1800 °C at the point of combustion when tin foil is used) – with ten years furnace warranty. This is the prerequisite for 100% recovery also for samples difficult to combust. Jet injection of oxygen directly to the sample leads to highest oxygen concentrations at the point of combustion and low gas consumption.

    Large weighing range
    from <1 mg to 300 mg (soil) sample weight, depending on requirements up to 14 mg organic matter

    Largest dynamic range of element concentrations and element ratio
    up to 7 mg C abs. or 10 mg N abs. (or 100%, depending on analysis mode and sample matrix), from ppm to 100%

    Temperature programmed Desorption (TPD)
    Separation of gaseous components with one TPD column for perfect separation without peak overlap. Automated optimization of the analysis time.

    Multipoint calibration
    stable over months and matrix independent

    Instrument control
    with a standard PC for perfect results also for unknown or heavily variable sample matrices with integrated sample feeder for 120 samples. Possibility for remote service due to full digitalization of the instrument electronics

    One basic instrument for all applications
    No expensive special catalysts, easy ash removal from the combustion tube and long lifetime of all components are the basis for a low cost of ownership

    Clean, safe, fast
    The analysis only takes a few minutes, no aggressive or toxic chemicals are used, helium carrier gas

    Easy installation requirements
    48 x 55 cm benchtop space, 1 power supply (230, 110, 100 V), and two gases are sufficient for maintenance free long time operation

    Isotope analysis
    For more information on stable isotope analysis, please visit the Isoprime website www.isoprime.co.uk